A University with more than 50 years of history, Unisinos is one of the largest private institutions in Brazil, with more than 90.000 graduated students and about 20.000 students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs in On-campus, Hybrid and Distance Education modalities. With its strength in it Science, Technology and Innovation ecosystem, the Institution explores the frontiers of technoscience to build society’s tomorrow.

The courses are anchored in six schools that seek internationalization, transversality and the promotion of theoretical and methodological debate in the processes of knowledge production and professional training. They are: School of Humanities, Business School, School of Health, Law School, Polytechnic School and School of Creative Industry. The University has a total of 76 undergraduate programs and 26 graduate programs, distributed over two campi in the cities of São Leopoldo and Porto Alegre.

The Unisinos Innovation Portal connects the university to the market and transforms research and technology into innovation. Technological Institutes are structured with high technology equipment and act as partners of companies and organizations, contributing to the competitiveness and sustainability of the state and the country. The São Leopoldo Technological Park – Tecnosinos, fosters new projects in the area of technology, guided by innovative entrepreneurship, and helps the sustainable development of the region, generating about 6,000 direct jobs. University social responsibility is also worked on by Unisinos, through its 17 Social Projects, which helps more than 24.000 people in condition of social vulnerability.

In recognition of its excellence, Unisinos has been obtaining excellent results in assessments by the Ministry of Education of Brazil and in international rankings, such as Quacquarelli Symonds and Times Higher Education. A highlight also received by its Technological Park, considered the best in Brazil in 2014 by the National Association of Entities Promoting Innovative Enterprises (Anprotec).


Strategic areas of academic excellence


– Technologies and Health,

– Innovation and Entrepreneurship


General contact

e-mail: atendimento@unisinos.br

Phone:  +55 (51) 3591 1122


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