The link with the community and the commitment to the development of the region were incorporated into the nature of the University of Passo Fundo (UPF) in addition to its social and political commitment. For the Institution, therefore, being a community has historical significance and carries the notion of identity, collective responsibility and cooperation with the community of the more than 150 municipalities in the North of Rio Grande do Sul.

To be a solid educational institution and involved with the community, which fosters the generation and dissemination of knowledge and, above all, that seeks academic excellence. This challenge has been driving the UPF for 52 years. The investments qualify and guarantee the articulation between teaching, research, extension and technological innovation in the 60 undergraduate courses; in the 15 master’s degrees, 9 doctoral courses and 17 post-doctoral internships at the institution Internationalization is also one of the foundations of the University: there are 74 agreements with foreign institutions for academic exchange in 20 countries.

In infrastructure, it offers, in an area of ​​more than 400 hectares, an environment of socialization and knowledge. It has 150 clinics and more than 300 laboratories, 23 amphitheaters and auditoriums, 183 practical and experimental teaching rooms, Science and Technology Park, museums, language center, multisport gym and a network with 10 libraries.


Strategic areas of academic excellence

– Communication, culture and society

– Education and teacher training

– Health and well-being

– Regional management and development

– Innovation, science and technology


General contact


Phone: +55 54 3316.8117


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