The University Center of the Campaing Region (URCAMP), offers since 1952 higher education in the city of Bagé, being a pioneer in offering training in the southern half of Rio Grande do Sul.

Its area of ​​activity covers the West Border Region, with a campus in Alegrete, São Gabriel and Santana do Livramento, and the Campaing Region, with its headquarters in Bagé and a campus in Dom Pedrito.

It is maintained by the Attila Taborda Foundation (ATF), together with Museums, Assistance Institutions (Casa da Menina) and the University Hospital (Bagé) and Veterinary Hospitals (Alegrete and Bagé). ATF, a non-profit association, differs from other sponsors, as it is formed by teachers.

Currently, URCAMP has 22 undergraduate courses and operates in graduate courses, offering more than 15 courses. The extension carries in its history projects social, cultural projects and support to productive chains, such as vitiviniculture and olive growing, products that are adding diversification to the region’s productive matrix. Teacher training is a permanent and continuous program, involving the community and students of the institution.

The origin of URCAMP was demanded by the regional community, due to the lack of teaching, research and community outreach actions, due to the challenges surrounding sustainable development. URCAMP has already trained more than 40 thousand people who, due to their excellent training, impacted the quality of life and economic growth of the region and the country. Therefore, Urcamp is committed to becoming part of the community, in order to contribute, in an ethical manner, to its emancipation, its empowerment and its autonomy, through actions that demonstrate its performance.

Urcamp starts from the premise of valuing the regional particularities of the territory, as a differentiating factor. It sustains a development perspective as a mosaic, which is not centered exclusively on the economic, but on its relationship with social aspects (health, education, culture). In this way, Urcamp assumes its role of interlocution and leadership agent for the constitution of the territories of the Campaign and the Western Frontier, considering their particularities, but without losing their relationship with the global.


Strategic areas of academic excellence

– Regional development

– Education, Society and Regional Identity

– Pampa Productive Systems

– Bioprospecting and Environmental Pollution in the Pampa Biome – BioPampa

– Chronic Health Conditions


General contact


Phone: + 55 53 3242.8244


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